Saturday, July 10, 2010

GA 219-Day 10

I am sitting in the St. Paul/Minneapolis airport waiting for my plane to leave and as I have made my way to my seat I have seen numbers of Presbyterians waiting for their planes to leave and take them home. We were charged this morning to go forth in the living waters of Christ, proclaiming the gospel to the world as we serve our brothers and sisters in love.

As I sit here I see people going near and far, east and west, north and south, knowing that we have all been gathered together around the table this week. We have been nourished, we have been challenged, we have been stretched, and now we leave taking the gifts we have received with us to share with our congregations and presbyteries. It is exciting to see so many passionate people leaving to go back, looking to make changes, looking to share the Gospel, looking to serve those around them, looking to be Christ in the world. It is exciting because I hope and I believe the church is moving forward, I hope and I believe that together as brothers and sisters we can continue to do the work of God in the world around us, that together we will continue to listen and discern what and where God would have us go together.

Going forth, pressing on, sharing, listening, learning, and engaging with one another, we leave Minneapolis and head out...what an amazing thing to witness and take part in!!

I have been humbled by this experience and cannot wait to share the excitement I have with the church...good things are happening...good things are coming...Thanks be to God!


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