Monday, July 19, 2010

Worship...July 18, 2010

Well for those interested...this was the worship service for Sunday Sermon to come because I have to remember what I said....

Call to Worship:

Jesus says to us “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and let the one who believes in me drink.”

For out of the believers heart shall flow rivers of living water.

As we gather this morning, we do so knowing that the cup of hope is full.

We come to drink.

The streams of life are carrying us forward in the world.

We come to drink.

The rivers of living water are breaking forth from the north, south, east and west.

We come to drink.

The oceans of God’s mercy and love are deep.

We come to drink.

We come to drink together.

We come to be nourished and worship together in community, hearing the good news and going forth as streams of living water in our neighborhoods, in our community, in our nation, and in our world.

Opening Prayer:

God who called the world into being, who created and continues to create, God who called and continues to call, it is with thanksgiving that we stand together this morning gathered in this place and in this time to worship as one body. This morning we come thirsty for the living water that comes in Christ alone. As we worship may our hearts and minds be focused on you and your word. May we remember why it is that we gather, to worship you, to be reminded of your work, to live in your spirit, and to celebrate the works you are doing in the church and in the world around us. May all that we say and do be a reflection of you this morning. In the name of the risen Christ we pray. Amen.

Call to Confession:

In our baptism we make promises to be faithful and active members of the church of Jesus Christ, denouncing evil, and sharing of our gifts, time, and talent. In the baptism of children we promise as a congregation to help raise and guide the child in their journey. Yet, day in and day out we struggle to live out the vowels we have committed to on another, to ourselves, and to God. We make excuses for our actions not only to each other and to ourselves, but we even plead our excuses to God. Let us together, not plead our excuses, but instead let us confess our shortcomings before the one who is gracious enough to forgive us.

Prayer of Confession:

Merciful God, we confess that we do not live lives that are guided by your Spirit. We as recipients of your grace do not offer mercy to others. We have received your word yet fail to witness your truth to our neighbors. We are offered the cup of new life each day, but we fail to come and drink. Our brokenness has been restored and we still contribute to the brokenness of brothers and sisters around the world. We pray that we as forgiven people might live lives that reflect the power of the Holy Spirit that dwells within us, lives through us, and has the power to transform the world around us. We pray these things in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen


Opening Hymn-#2 Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing

Closing #278 Glorious Things of Thee are Spoken

Exodus 17:1-7
John 7:37-39

Sermon Title: General Assembly, Israelites, and Living Water

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