Monday, July 12, 2010

Things from General Assembly 219 You will not find in the media...

With all the stuff the media has posted I figured I would write about some of the exciting things going on in the church that you will not find in the media...

#1) The Presbytery of North Central Iowa overtures the 219th General Assembly (2010) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) to direct the General Assembly Mission Council to reestablish an Office of Collegiate Ministries in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) as a vital and integral part of the ministry and mission of the church and direct that office to prepare a strategy for mission in higher education in concert with middle governing bodies, congregations, and, where possible, ecumenical partners, to be presented to the 220th General Assembly (2012).


The General Assembly Mission Council recommends that the 219th General Assembly (2010) renew its commitment to help grow Christ’s Church deep and wide by doing the following:

1. Extend a churchwide commitment to participate in God’s activity through Jesus Christ in transforming the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) through the 2011–2012 biennium.

2. Encourage synods, presbyteries, sessions, and all agencies, entities, and networks of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) to commit to foster the growth of Christ’s Church deep and wide in the following areas:

a. Grow in Evangelism: Share the good news of Jesus Christ. Invite persons to join in the church’s worship and fellowship. Baptize children and adults (Mt. 28:19–20; Lk. 15).

b. Grow in Discipleship: Rediscover Scripture, including daily reading and study. Nurture relationships with Jesus Christ in the context of our Reformed heritage (Lk. 14:33; Jn. 8:31, 13:35, 15:8).

c. Grow in Servanthood: Stand alongside the wider community to promote the well-being and love of neighbor. Embrace stewardship in all of life (Jn. 13:12-17; Mt. 25:34–40).

d. Grow in Diversity: Welcome everyone. Learn from others. Reflect the cultural and ethnic diversity of God’s peoples in the world including leadership (Gal. 3:26–29; Rev. 7:9–10).

3. Encourage the General Assembly Mission Council to support the whole church’s commitment to foster the growth of Christ’s Church deep and wide in its ministries and mission.

4. Request each session to commit time on its agenda during 2011–2012 to cast a vision for each of the four “Growing Christ’s Church Deep and Wide” areas.


The General Assembly Mission Council recommends that the 219th General Assembly (2010) approve the report on the “Commitment to Peacemaking”:

1. Commends those sessions, presbyteries, synods, and other entities that have adopted the “Commitment to Peacemaking.”

2. Recognizes that the office of the Stated Clerk sends a certificate of commendation to the stated clerk of the presbytery in which the congregation is located for presentation at a stated meeting of presbytery for those sessions that have adopted the “Commitment to Peacemaking.”

3. Requests stated clerks of presbyteries who receive the certificates for sessions that have adopted the “Commitment to Peacemaking” to present them at a stated meeting of presbytery in such a way as to adequately commend the congregation for this achievement.

4. Urges presbyteries to find ways to share and celebrate the experiences of congregations where sessions have adopted and implemented the “Commitment to Peacemaking.”

5. Urges presbyteries and synods also to consider adopting the “Commitment to Peacemaking” in forms appropriate to those governing bodies and commends those governing bodies that have done so.

6. Commends the sixty-three presbyteries and six synods that have 50 percent or more of their congregations whose sessions have adopted the “Commitment to Peacemaking.”

7. Commends the four presbyteries that have 75 percent or more of their congregations whose sessions have adopted the “Commitment to Peacemaking.”

8. Urges peacemaking committees of the presbyteries to contact the sessions in their presbytery that have not adopted the “Commitment to Peacemaking” to express the importance of this commitment and to urge their adoption of it.

9. Recognizing that the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program maintains a list of those sessions, presbyteries, synods, and other entities that have adopted the “Commitment to Peacemaking” in order to serve them in their peacemaking efforts, requests that a report be made to the 220th General Assembly (2012) on the number of sessions that have adopted the “Commitment to Peacemaking.”

10. Requests the 219th General Assembly (2010) to commend publicly those presbyteries that have actively incorporated peacemaking into their ministry; including acknowledging and supporting those congregations whose sessions have adopted the “Commitment to Peacemaking.”

11. As requested by the 218th General Assembly (2008), the 219th General Assembly (2010) honors those presbyteries that have reached 50 percent or more of their congregations whose sessions have adopted the “Commitment to Peacemaking” since the 218th General Assembly (2008).

Now there are many more things the church is doing, but these are just a few I thought I would share and shed light on. Exciting things are happening in the church...get excited and get involved!

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